In large-scale development, the number of Asset increases, I think that it may become stressful to look for the target Asset.
We developed it as efficiently selecting the target Asset by going back to the selections.
Change log
- 2021/01
- bugfix
- 2021/01
- Add Features
- Support for multiple selection
- Add right-click menu
- Add Settings
- Show Favorite icon
- Add Language Japanese
- 2020/01
- Add Features
- Drag and Drop
- Extension filter
- Open Asset
- Supports prefab mode
- Changed icon
- Add Settings
- Without Hierarchy object
- Scroll only history
- Update when selected history
- 2018/10
- New Release!!
- The selection history of Hierarchy and Project is made
- Favorite
- NEW Support for multiple selection
- NEW Right-click menu
- NEW Language switching (English, Japanese)
- Drag and Drop
- Extension filter
- Open Asset
- Shortcuts
- Change display name of favorite
- Supports prefab mode
- The selection history of Hierarchy and Project is made
clicking a button of the history, it's selection.
- Multiple selection
The file name will be prefixed with [X] and the number of selections.
- Right-click menu
You can choose to "Favorite Add, Delete", "Select" or "Open".
- Favorite
Star is clicked, you can register with a favorite.
Cross is clicked, it's eliminated from a favorite.
- Drag and Drop
- Extension filter
- Open Asset
it's clicked while pressing a Ctrl key, Asset is opened.
- Shortcuts
- backward: Ctrl + Shift + Alt + , (Mac Cmd + Shift + Alt + ,)
- forward: Ctrl + Shift + Alt + . (Mac Cmd + Shift + Alt + .)
- Select Favorite: Ctrl + Shift + Alt + [0-9], (Mac Cmd + Shift + Alt + ,)
- Settings
- Auto remove same file history
The old history of the same file is deleted automatically.
- Without Hierarchy object
Selection of Hierarchy isn't included in the history any more.
- Scroll only history
- Update when selected history
When clicking a history button, it's added to the history newly.
- Show favorite icon
Show favorite icons
- Langage
Language switching (English, Japanese)
- Change display name of favorite
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